Monday, August 31, 2009



What does it really mean to us?

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Anthropometric installation is a project to establish element of point, plane and form as in 2D and 3D form-site composition. The site is at Linangan Jernih, Faculty of Built Environment. It is also to understand visual interpretation and define design elements, principles and environmental awareness as they are used in architecture and design. The student has to built a full scale 2D & 3D model of their own anthropometric. Corrugated board are used to complete the task. The project was done by the first year architecture students, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM, Skudai. Please click first photo to enjoy the rest.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Pada 8-15 Ogos 2009, Persatuan Senibina, Jabatan Senibina, Fakulti Alam Bina, UTM, Skudai telah menganjurkan program minggu senibina atau lebih dikenali sebagai Archiweek yang bertema 2109 A.D. Program tersebut merupakan program tahunan bagi pelajar-pelajar senibina UTM. Program yang telah diadakan termasuklah Archileague pada 8 Ogos 09, yang telah diadakan di Kolej Datin Sri Endun, Bookfair pada 10-11 Ogos 09 di Linangan Jernih FAB, Kite Fest pada 12 Ogos 09 di Hutan Bandar Mutiara Rini, Johor Bahru, Malam Deklamatron di FAB Square pada 14 Ogos 09, Archimovie pada 15 Ogos 09 yang telah ditayangkan di Dewan Kuliah L50, dan juga pameran di Fakulti Alam Bina. Architorture mengucapkan syabas pada semua yang telah bekerja keras menjayakan program tersebut. Sila klik foto untuk menikmati yang lain


Bersempena dengan kemasukan pelajar baru, Jabatan Senibina telah mengadakan malam silaturahim yang bertemakan Chaos. Program ini telah diuruskan oleh pelajar tahun 2. Kesemua pelajar tahun satu terlibat dengan program ini dan persembahan iringan juga telah lakukan oleh pelajar senior. Klic foto pertama untuk koleksi yang lain.


The first project for this semester is about perceiving the environment with eco-centric attitude. It is also to develop observation and analytic skills through experience the environment by using the five senses. The students were introduced to visual design component that exist in nature, man-made and artwork. The task is to produce an illustration of building facade. Workbase 3 has opted an old shop at Jalan Trus & Jalan Dhobi, Johor Bahru as the subject to be studied and to understand the intimate and harmonious relationship of men in their environment. These require good perception of the five senses, good understanding of aesthetic value, and looking thorough the artistic and poetic eye. The technique used is pencil colour on paper in portrait or landscape format. During the submission day/exhibition day all are require to be in green to associate with the environment and i call it as Green Day. It was officiated by our Head of Department. Click HERE to enjoy the rest.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


When God is the architect, the dawn and sunset skies are painted with all the beautiful layers and shades of colours...... The creation of the montains strengthen the backbone of the earth, the vision of might in nature. The trees create shades, produce oxygen, bear fruits & flowers, and stabilise the earth and the atmosphere. The whole universe moves in its prescribed course with such beauty and rythm. The scattered stars across the sky, the moon with its pale light from the sun are so inspiring to the painters, writers, lovers, astronomers, scientist, owls and bats.......

Monday, August 24, 2009


Aku sebenarnya agak resah untuk menulis kerana pada tabiinya aku lebih gemar melukis. Menulis pada aku lebih banyak mencanangkan keangkuhan diri. Sedangkan melukis lebih banyak mentafsir diri dari dalam diri. Menulis akan ada kecenderungan untuk banyak menjulang egoisme sendiri. Setiap kali tika aku ingin menulis, aku akan menghadapi hambatan tafsiran dari pembaca yang akan menilai tulisan aku. Setiap kali itu juga resap rasa yang terkadang melampau mempersukarkan lagi untuk aku meneruskan penulisan. Aku akan merasakan begitu tenang dan santai apabila berus berus cat aku menari-nari dikanvas putih bersih. Lontaran dan hayunan calitan warna itu juga membuatkan aku begitu asyik menjalin melodrama kehidupan dikanvas.
Pernah aku menghadiri seminar seni lukis di Kuala Lumpur tidak lama dulu. Maka hadirlah ramai karyawan karyawan negara yang gah-gah namanya. Ketika seminar berlangsung seorang hamba kerdil melontarkan soalan bertanyakan kepada seorang karyawan terkenal negara. "Tuan telah menghasilkan banyak karya karya yang mengkagumkan ramai insan dan tuan telah menjadi ikon pada ramai pendatang baru yang ingin bergiat aktif dalam seni, kenapakah tuan tidak menulis tentang hasil karya tuan..." Begitulah bunyi soalan yang agak panjang lebar. Maka jawablah sang pengkarya. "Kalau saya menulis, saya tidak melukis dan sekarang saya melukis maka itu saya tidak menulis". Sunyi sepi dewan seminar buat seketika bagai garuda datang melanda. Hamba yang kerdil tadi diam dan berfikir, ada kebenaran jawapan tersebut. Sekiranya seseorang itu diamanahkan untuk jadi doktor maka tidak bolehlah diwaktu yang sama dia jadi juruterbang.
Aku dalam dilema lagi. Bezanya aku dengan yang bertanya tadi, aku juga adalah seorang pendidik yang memaksa atau mendesak aku untuk jadi seorang penulis yang baik. Teringat aku pada seorang rakan seperjuangan yang menyatakan atau lebih tepat lagi memberi semangat untuk aku menulis. Katanya padaku dengan penuh yakin dan lantang. "Tulis je apa yang kau rasa nak tulis". Aku memandang padanya dengan rasa yang agak pelik bercampur keliru. Apakah seorang akademik boleh menulis apa saja yang dia rasa nak tulis. Apakah itu prinsip yang aku harus ikut? Kalau setakat menulis memang ramai yang tau menulis kecuali pelajar senibina tahun satu yang harus diajar menulis kembali hurufan senibina dengan betul. Tu pun tak betul betul sehingga kena 'redo' beberapa kali. Maksud aku apakah ilmunya, isinya, penyampaianya, khalayak sasarnya dsb tidak diambil kira?
Tujuan aku menulis blog atau lebih tepat lagi jadi bloggers ni pada mulanya adalah nak berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang ada pada aku. Permulaan blog, aku menulis dalam bahasa penjajah. Konon kononnya nak dapat khalayak international gitu. Dan juga cuba untuk mengawal isi kandunganya supaya agak akademik tetapi responnya agak mengecewakan. Telah aku cuba bertanya pada rakan blog, apakah yang 'audience' perlukan. Antara jawapan yang aku terima ialah aku perlukan publisiti. O my God... I really really HATE publisity!!! So what should i do? Ada yang jawab perlu lebih santai dan lebih 'friendly'. Hahah... ni yang tengah aku cuba buat. Kena sembang bahasa korang, cerita pasal korang dan bukan bercakap bahasa seperti di perenggan pertama diatas. Bahasa sastera yang sukar difahami dan diterima pakai. "Skrg org dh pkai bhsa sms". Lebih senang dan jimat masa dan kertas. Kadang kala aku pun tak paham bila korang sms kat aku... maklumlah aku ni dari generasi X, korang dari generasi Y. Ni aku nak bagitau korang skit pasal generasi korang tu. Korang dilahirkan dengan hand phone kat tangan kiri dan mouse kat tangan kanan korang. Itulah pasal korang dipanggil generasi Y. Hah ape? pasal generasi X tu ape.. Korang tak perlu tau la pasal generasi X tu ape... Generasi X ni ada banyak spesis. Contohnya aku ni dari 'rare weird spesis'. This is what they called me at the faculty. Aku pun tak tau.. aku rasa aku sama gak dengan dia orang & korang. Generasi X ni ada gak dari spesis bell bottom tapi aku tak sempat la nak layan spesis tu. Ish malas la aku nak cite pasal Generasi X ni. Korang pergi la check sendiri kat dalam web site ada citer detail cam detail drawing korang tu...
Ni satu lagi dilema aku... Aku sekarang ni pun tengah giler photography plak. Dulu ada gak giler kejap tapi tak la camni... Aku ni nak cakap besar idak le tapi ada la belajor skit skit pasal fotografi ni. Tapi tu dulu masa pakai kamera analog. skarang ni sume dah digital... kena la aku belajo balik... aku pun fening asyik nak cari subject matter je... sampai korang pun aku jadikan subject matter aku... ntah eh.. nape ntah... NTAH lah malas la aku nak pikiak. Korang tolong pikiak la untuk aku dan beri la pendapat korang kalau korang rasa rajin nak layan aku....

Saturday, August 22, 2009


The purpose of fasting is not to feel one's own hunger but the hunger of all those other people. How can one say one has fasted if all that one felt was one's own empty stomach gnawing. Although the feeling is our's, the purpose is the perception of another's hunger that shall understand the meaning of 'food for one is enough for two, and food for two is enough for three.'
Our beloved Prophet s.a.w is reported to have said, 'woe to those who fast but all they felt was hunger and thirst.'
Blessed are they who fast and their own hunger and thirst are the echoes of the plight of the hungry millions.
Blessed are they who fast and understood the meaning of 'food for one is enough for two' because they perceive the second as none other than God Himself.
borrowed from other musings of Jak.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My warmest salam to all my muslim brother & sister.

The Holy month of Ramadhan is just around the corner and i would like to take this precious opportunity to wish all muslims around the globe, ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan Karim. The Holy month of Ramadhan is a special month in the Islamic calender. As our beloved Prophet (s.a.w) said: "It is the month of Allah." It is the best month of all months and the most glorious one. It is one of the distinctive features of our community (ummah) that is now practiced as the word of Allah Most High said,

"Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you" (al Quran 2:183)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Salam & Hi everyone.....

Please forgive me for not writing for quite sometime. Actually, I'm having problem with my computer (maybe because i always called it ('stupid box'). Will try to overcome it asap. Thanks for stopping by at my blog.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Salam everyone. Please forgive me for a long silent due to my health condition. The recent heat wave brought so much to my family. All in the family have fallen ill due to cough and mild fevers and that really tied me up for the past few weeks. They said it is from the swine flu virus. But of all, al hamdulillah wa shukrillah Allah had grant all of us a complete shifa' inwardly & outwardly and thanks for your precious doa.
I got this from a friend and would like to share with all of you.
A traveller once came to the masjid to see our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw. After he greed the Prophet saw, the Prophet saw asked where he was from. The traveller replied that he came from a very far just to get a few questions answered.
Following is the dialogue between the traveller and the Prophet:

Traveller : I do not want adzab (punishments) to be written in my account.
Prophet : Behave well with your parents.
Traveller : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.

Prophet : Fear Allah Jalla Jalalahu, always.

Traveller : I want to be counted amongst Allah's favourites.
Prophet : Recite Quran every morning and evening.
Traveller : I want my heart to always be enlightened.. (Munawer)

Prophet : Never forget death.
Traveller : I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.

Prophet : Always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveller : I never want to be harmed by my enemies.

Prophet : Always have faith in only Allah.

Traveller : I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet : Be careful of your actions.
Traveller : I wish to live long.
Prophet : Always do silatul rahim. (Goodness towards blood Relations)
Traveller : I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet : Always be in wudhu.
Traveller : I wish to stay free of adzab in the grave.
Prophet : Always wear pure (paak) clothes.
Traveller : I never want to be burned in hell.
Prophet : Control your eyes and tongue.
Traveller : How do I get my sins forgiven.
Prophet : Always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveller : I want people to respect me always.
Prophet : Never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveller : I want to always be honored.
Prophet : Never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveller : I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr.(Squeezing in the grave)
Prophet : Recite Surat Al Mulk (The Dominion) often.
Traveller : I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet : Recite surat Al Waqiah (The Inevitable) every night.
Traveller : I want to be safe and at peace on Day of Judgement.
Prophet : Do zikr (Praises) of Allah from dusk to night.
Traveller : I want to be in full attention & concentration during prayers.
Prophet : Always do wudhu with concentration and attention.

So my dear friend, about the only thing we ever possess which we can call our own is our non existance! & about the only thing we ever possess which we can be proud off is our nothingness!